Chiropractic has been with us since its inception in 1895, and chiropractors from all over the world have been providing treatments and health advices to people ever since. These specialists have aided their patients and clients in getting relief from body pain and certain ailments, and accompanied them in their journey towards better health and wellness through spinal adjustments and manual manipulation.
One such person who has been proven to be loyal and true to this vocation is Jean F. Koffel, a dedicated chiropractor who runs a chiropractic clinic in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. She just celebrated her 90th birth anniversary last year and, coinciding with it, her 70th year of devoted service to people through chiropractic. She believes that caring for people through the practice of chiropractic does not only help her patients but it is also essential to her own health, personal fulfillment, and well-being.
I like my work, I like helping people, that is the key.
…..says Jean describing her idea of passion and commitment to her mission as a chiropractor.
As a matter of fact, she is the first one to practice chiropractic in Sheybogan County. She has helped a lot of patients in the neighborhood and in the surrounding communities since relocating to the county in 1945.
One lady fellow from her community (who does not want to be named) says of her, “She’s a very gifted lady. It isn’t a hobby, it’s still very much a career choice.”
Some of Jean’s kin, including her late father, are chiropractic practitioners as well. Her late father, Alfred E. Koffel, was an active chiro professional for more than 60 years. It was not surprising that his daughter, Jean, would take up a degree in chiropractic which she completed in Palmer College, the first school to offer such course in Davenport, Iowa.
Jean has seen how chiropractic progressed as a medical modality, and yet she remained faithful to the original spirit of chiropractic philosophy – a lifestyle of balance, quality nutrition, and a well-maintained exercise routine that is proportionate to age and physical state. She herself applies such principles in her own life and she makes sure she does not lack regular hours of satisfying sleep. Her neighbors and patients look forward to her reaching 100 years of living and more years of chiropractic service and spinal care.
Nowadays, Ms. Koffel runs her clinic on her own time with select-operational hours, instead of on-scheduled basis and set business hours. With no gadgets or high tech equipment, she performs adjustments and spinal manipulation on her patients using her own very hands.
Even after enduring an accident when she got hit by a car in November of 2014, she willed herself to recover quickly and went back to her passionate practice. She was even able to provide treatment to a friend of hers who had her wrist broken, and is now fully recovered from the injury.
A citizen of Sheboygan county has this to say attesting to her effectiveness as a chiropractor and to her ageless chiropractic skill, “Very wise people knew I was hurting and said that she would give me some relief. I had another chiropractor and wore her out. I’ve worn out 50-year-old chiropractors and she is 91.”
Jean Koffel’s life and work as a chiropractor is a testimony that the medical field of chiropractic does not only provide relief and recovery to ailing patients, but it also gives people a reason and purpose to live, something that contributes to the meaning of altruism and service, thereby completing the loop of attaining total health and wellness.
Thompson, A. (2015 May 19). “91-year-old chiropractor has been making adjustments for 70 years.” Sheboygan Press. Retrieved from www.sheboyganpress.com
“Chiropractor in practice for 70 years shares her views.” The Joint Chiropractic. Retrieved from www.thejoint.com
Image c/o Pixabay.com
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